

General help

$ aspisec -h
AspiSec v0.1.0

  aspisec [options] clean
  aspisec [options] list
  aspisec -h | --help
  aspisec --version

  clean                   Removes the traces left by offensive security tools
  list                    List available modules, locations and their status

  --debug                 Display arguments
  -v, --verbose <level>   Set verbosity level (see documentation) [default: 2]
  -h, --help              Show this screen
  --version               Show version

  aspisec clean

  source (
  documentation (

?> Note: You can check log / verbosity levels here.


Starting the cleaning is as easy as that:

$ aspisec clean

By default, it will be interactive, the description of each file / directory will be displayed, etc. If you want to change the default behavior, see config.


$ aspisec list
✅ : amass                       ✅ logs         ✅ database   
✅ : mongodb-compass             ✅ logs       
✅ : mongodb-mongosh             ✅ logs         ✅ history    
✅ : ncrack                      ✅ restore    
✅ : netexec                     ✅ logs         ✅ screenshots  ✅ workspaces 
✅ : recaf                       ✅ classpath    ✅ logs       
✅ : remmina                     ❌ configs    
❌ : bloodhound                  ✅ database     ✅ transactions
✅ : semgrep                     ✅ logs1        ✅ logs2      
✅ : crackmapexec                ✅ logs         ✅ screenshots  ✅ workspaces 
✅ : spiderfoot                  ✅ database     ✅ logs       
✅ : sqlmap                      ✅ history      ✅ logs       
✅ : theharvester                ✅ stash      
✅ : dbgate                      ❌ connections  ✅ logs       
✅ : weevely                     ✅ history      ✅ sessions     ✅ logs       
✅ : ffuf                        ✅ history    
✅ : whatwaf                     ✅ database   
✅ : hashcat                     ✅ sessions     ✅ potfile      ❌ dict_cache 
✅ : home-history-files          ✅ python       ✅ postgresql   ✅ ruby-irb     ✅ ruby-rdbg    ✅ redis-cli    ❌ bash         ❌ zsh          ❌ zsh-alt    
✅ : john                        ✅ logs         ✅ potfile    
✅ : jwt_tool                    ✅ logs       
✅ : lsassy                      ✅ masterkeys   ✅ tickets    
✅ : manspider                   ✅ logs         ✅ loot       
✅ : metasploit                  ✅ history      ✅ logs         ✅ loot         ✅ meterpreter
✅ : mobsf                       ✅ logs         ✅ downloads    ✅ uploads      ✅ database 


The main class that does the job is Aspisec::Clean.

Of course, Aspisec::Config manages the configuration and Aspisec::Logger the logger (level of additional information displayed).

Aspisec::Module is a generic module class with core methods and properties. Aspisec::Module::Location is a generic location subclass. A location is either a file or directory handled by modules.

Then Aspisec::Modules is just a Ruby module (namespace) to store all Aspisec modules. Each Aspisec module matches a tool. E.g. for Netexec, the module is Aspisec::Modules::Netexec.