
When no configuration file exists, Aspisec will automatically create a default one under $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/aspisec/aspisec.config.yaml (which will typically be ~/.config/aspisec/aspisec.config.yaml).

The default values are documented in the library documentation (DEFAULT_CONFIG) but anything should be self-explanatory enough so you don't need to read it.


aspisec.autoclean.enabled allows you to choose between:

  • interactive mode: (false, default) ask confirmation (Y/n) before removing each location
  • automatic mode: (true) auto clean, remove files without asking confirmation


aspisec.describe.enabled controls if the description for each location is displayed or not. If you already know what everything is doing, disabling it allows having a lighter output.



Each module can be separately disabled, e.g. <tool>.enabled so it will not be taken into consideration while cleaning.


Each module will look for the files from a default location which is the most common.
But if you have deployed the tool in an uncommon location (exotic distribution, git clone in random places) or a custom location (under /opt), you can change the location where Aspisec will look for, e.g. <tool>.location.base.

Aspisec is using standard XDG Base Directory variables like $XDG_DATA_HOME to be more cross-platform. But you could use an absolute path if you don't need your config to be portable, e.g. /home/noraj/.local/share/sqlmap instead of $XDG_DATA_HOME/sqlmap.

For each location (feature, file, directory) you can configure the path too (<tool>.location.<lcoation>.path) but it's very unlikely you would need to. <base> is a keyword resolved by Aspisec refering to <tool>.location.base. You could change the location description too if you want it to be shorter or to add emojis.


The audit section is unused and is just a placeholder for future features.